Saturday, March 7, 2009

McKee and me...

Spending the day with McKee and his text, Story. FI appreciate his candidness regarding the difficulty in telling good stories, and his humor as he shares from his experience. I can't help but think that the crucible of time (a.k.a. experience) is a critical component, along with the normal aspects like skill, technique, and timing.

Gladwell's book Outliers demonstrates similar stories as it relates to success. Gladwell presents the 10,000 hour rule -- stating that for us to become an expert, it usually takes 10,000 hours of work. 

Let me see -- for this doctoral program -- (20 hours a week x 52 weeks x 3 years) + research hours (200) + comps ( 200 hours) + dissertation (1500 hours)= More than 5,000 hours. So I'll be halfway there! Then, the real fun begins!