Take II -- My doctoral journey by David Peck: click here to view
Produced by: Maddening and insane projects
This is an amazing project, and I don't want to tell you how many hours I have spent, learning both through failure, and through a few successes along the way.
I need to state again for the record that I am fairly adept at technology, I have a good understanding of filmed stories, and a good eye toward what works together. The difficulty lies in the mix of my expectations and ability to get out of this box and screen what I know can be produced and what is actually being presented.
With all of the learning from my first draft, and comments from the academy reviewer, Dr. Ohler -- I took a step back and started from the beginning. I spent an evening recording the VO, again. My expectation was that it would be seemless, and I would not have any issues. Incorrect statement #1, as my headset was giving me troubles. I'll be going back to Best Buy today.
I was more successful in my narrative pacing, but then created an issue with a need for more images, as I had increased the length of the video.
From there, I removed some of the music, added some additional background effects, and began to go through the details of aligning all of the different pieces up. AHHHHH! An adjustment with the VO, would cause an adjustment with the picture, and then the sound effect would be off a half a beat.
Several hours later, and now completely jadded toward my project, I have posted Take II, for all to see. I think it's a bit better, but am at the mercy of technology and time as I have again exhausted the allocated time for today. But it's just a three minute video... yeah... right. :)