Friday, February 27, 2009

Outliers. In life, they are people who are unusual, abnormal or different. In statistics, they are data points, or small sets of data that are outside the normal curve, and yet can present significant meaning or relevance. For Malcolm Gladwell, they identify  unique stories of success that tie to people, behavior, opportunities, and hard work and sometimes being at the right place, at the right time. So, what does that have to do with storytelling you ask? Nothing. . . and everything. Everything in that stories tend to be about the way we frame a question, problem or issue in a manner that helps us to identify a problem, and then transition to a solution. Outliers by nature tend to be different, or sometimes are identified as problems.  Problems tend to have solutions because people like to solve problems, as compared to people solving things that are already solved. Make sense? If not, check out Outliers, as it's a great book and an interesting read. 

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